2020/2021 Censis: Great job IEA Pavia

Source: https://www.censis.it/formazione/la-classifica-censis-delle-universit%C3%A0-italiane-edizione-20202021/la-didattica-lauree-1
The 5 years master degree course in “Building Engineering and Architecture” of University of Pavia has been confirmed is on the third podium of the ranking according to the Censis-Repubblica 2020/2021 ranking, announced on July 13, 2020.
Censis-Repubblica is an articulate analysis of the Italian university system through the evaluation of universities (state and non-state, divided into homogeneous categories by size) with respect to available structures, services provided, internationalization and communication capacity 2.0.
An important result that rewards the career progressions and the always active, dynamic and highly organized international relationships of the master degree course in “Building Engineering and Architecture” of Pavia together with the ability to continuously renew itself